Move In DynRisk you have four different buttons that can be used to move the selected objects: To other… Displays a dialog box where you can choose the directory (folder) you want to move the selected objects to. To top Moves selected objects to the top level in the hierarchy of folders. If the active folder represents the top level directory, this command is dimmed. Up Moves selected objects to the folder containing the active folder. If the active folder represents the top level directory, this command is dimmed. To trash Moves selected objects to the trash folder. If present, the trash folder is shown in the lower right corner of the window representing the top level directory. (Unless you have a huge screen, you will have to scroll the window to see it.) The trash may be treated as just another folder. Especially, objects may be rescued from the trash by opening the folder and moving selected objects back to the document. Warning! If you leave nodes in the trash and then save the model, all these nodes will be deleted. The “Move” buttons are not present in the “Edge table view toolbar”.